Good stuff, Bruce. In my abundant experience, the triple bottom line is largely a myth; the people espousing the idea always secure the financial bottom line first and have a hopeful attitude about paying people and planet, results-be damned.
You nailed it in saying there must be a fundamental reimagining of wealth. The economic, industrial, and social mechanisms that promote extreme wealth concentration, labor exploitation, and extractive environmental destruction will not be the ones that'll bring the world to a new place, or to paraphrase Einstein, "the mind that created the problem will not fix it." In order to produce alternative outcomes to the apocalyptic ones that await all life if the status quo continues, doing good must be elevated above doing well. These alternative outcomes require words seldom heard outside of spiritual communities like sacrifice and humble service. The financial bottom line will (and should) take a hit, but "what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul [or his planet]?"